A Family Home in Modré Hory - Novatop

A Family Home in Modré Hory

The house stands on the edge of a village in South Moravia, surrounded by vineyards and an apricot orchard. The main living area with a large kitchen, dining room and sitting area is maximally open to the outside. This effect is further enhanced by the NOVATOP wooden acoustic panels on the ceiling, which transitions through the frameless windows from the interior to the soffit of the overlap in the exterior. This visually enlarges and interconnects the entire space. The interior is dominated by visual walls made of NOVATOP panels.

Author: Ing. arch. Michal Kotlas (Prodesi/Domesi)
Design collaboration: Ing. arch. Václav Zahradníček (Prodesi/Domesi)
Interior design: Ing. arch. Michal Kotlas (Prodesi/Domesi)
Implementation company: Domesi s.r.o. / 2023
Photographs: Boys Play Nice